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Here are answers to some commonly asked questions!

How many sessions will I need to see change?

The amount of sessions you will need to make change varies depending on your needs! Typically clients benefit from around 5-10 sessions. It takes time to make true mindset changes & it won't be an overnight transformation. However, the changes you learn and make from our time of working together will be life changing, so you never want or feel the need to diet again!

Do you provide meal plans?

I don’t provide meal plans. Meal plans can be good for a very short period of time, like if you need a couple of meal ideas to get you through a busy week. However, meal plans do not set you up for long term success. They’re not that easy to follow for an extended period of time. It's more important for you to know how to eat in a way where you can truly listen to your body, instead of relying on a meal plan. We cover all of this in detail through my 1:1 nutrition services!

How much time do I need to commit?

I know you’re busy, like me, so I try to make things as easy as possible. All nutrition sessions are conducted virtually, so you can receive the support you need without even leaving your house.

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